Everyone knows about the shops. What about an E-Shop ?
What do you pay attention to when setting up a store? The location of your store directly affects the income you will get from your store, so the location and socia-economic structure of that location are important when establishing a store, because the products you sell must attract the attention of potential buyers in that region. Apart from these, no matter how many products you have in your store, having a showcase will increase your sales, because you can attract the attention of people who are not interested in your store but they will just pass by.
Having a website gives you everything you have in a physical store and more. In the real world, the maximum number of people who can cross a street is limited, and your store’s rental expense increases with the level of the store’s location. You will have to take more risks and spend more money to reach more people. But if you own a store on the Internet, you can reach unlimited customer base at much lower prices. In order to earn more, your store needs to stay open more, which means extra staff costs and extra responsibility, but if you own a website, your website can stay open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, you can sell from your store at any time of the day. Millions of people shop online every day. Having a website is like opening a shop on a street where millions of people pass every day, the difference from opening a physical store is that it is much cheaper. If you own a physical store, your customers are required to come to your store and shop, but if you have a website, you can have customers from the other side of the world. If you are a website owner, you will have a higher customer potential than the physical store by taking your payments over the internet, your costs will decrease significantly and you can be accessed by everyone.
You cannot explain yourself and your products to people who come to your store for hours, but if you have a website, you can create pages that describe your company in all details, so you can easily convey all the necessary information to people. If you have a website, your customers will become loyal customers and they can follow you constantly, you can provide live support to your customers and increase your sales. Every day, millions of people search for the product they will shop on the Internet, and if you are a website owner, you will have the opportunity to reach large audiences with minimal costs.
Why Should I Own E-Shop?
Some of the advantages of having a website are;
It provides a very good image for your company and leaves a mark on other companies that you are a quality company.
If the company; the product promoted on your site; It provides the best introduction to the visitor with animated, video and audio presentations.
The personal site (artist, politician, writer, etc.) not only informs the visitors who want to get information about their works, but also allows sales through the site. It works as an exhibition hall or branch that you have opened in the virtual environment.
In companies with reservation system; It provides online reservation opportunity, with the opportunity to pay by credit card and bank transfer, it ensures that the customer never leaves their place and the owner of the company makes sales without any effort.
Sending brochures provides easier and less costly communication opportunities via e-mail instead of faxing. It offers the opportunity to change the changes you want before the hour passes. It saves time when you tell people about you or a product of yours. As we always say, it is the cheapest advertising tool that can cost you compared to other types of advertising. When looking at other advertising methods, it is the only advertising tool that you can appeal to the widest and high-income audience.
If you are wondering how much benefit a website you will build will be, contact us and we will prove it to you…
If you want to own a website, contact us.
YellowClick Ltd.